Posted by: pharish | June 11, 2010

Money Is Important – Whether You Agree Or Not

When I talk to people about having multiple income streams, they say why are you so money minded. Having multiple sources of income is a topic which is definitely important, to be known and the need understood. How many times we have heard people say the following things:

1. Money, isn’t everything.

2. You should be satisfied with whatever money you.

3. Don’t be so money minded.

4. I don’t care about money.

5. Money is not important.

and more phrases.

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Posted by: pharish | June 8, 2010

Tips for improving the quality of your life

Quality of your life

Do you want to get the most out of your life and be more successful? You can accomplish these goals by using the following steps to become more productive.

You must do something with your life. Do your best at whatever you do. Stay out of jail by controlling your anger at all times and keeping in mind there is a great chance of being caught and punished before you do anything.

Develop useful skills. Practice doing various things. Take classes. Read informative books and articles. Read More…

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